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Create slide shows, carousels, and animated marquees with Sequences. They allow for Media, Text, and more to be added to slides, and navigated between.

In this guide:

Sequence Basics

Sequences are an element that can be added to your project layout and consist of three parts: the sequence container, the slide containers, and the controls container. They have a range of uses from animating a sequence of logos, to showing an image slideshow.


This example is using a sequence for a single image slideshow. Add a similar sequence using a Slideshow Automation.


This examples is using a sequence to animate the brand’s logo. Add a similar sequence using a Marquee Automation.

Adding sequences

  1. From within the editor, select Sequence from the + menu in the top bar.
  2. Alternatively, sequences can be added through an Automation. ****Sequence Automations are accessed under Media in the Automation add interface (⚡ tool).
  3. Select a point in the project body by selecting between rows, click + dragging within, or selecting a point inside a column.

Sequence settings

While selecting a Sequence element, the right sidebar will display the available settings for styling the container, and controlling the content.

Single slide mode

When a Sequence is in single slide mode, only one slide will show at a given time. This is great for slideshow-style sequences with large wide images.

Clip content

When a Sequence has clip content turned on, all slides outside of the container will not show. When turned off, the previous and next slide(s) may be in view.

Slide settings

Slides are very similar to columns, but are contained within sequences. Add elements into slides, such as Media and Text. While selecting a Slide element inside of a sequence, the right sidebar will display the available settings for styling the slide container.

Controls settings

Controls are included in sequences to allow for navigating and indicating the slides in a sequence, and consist of two buttons and an indicator. While selecting the controls inside of a sequence, the right sidebar will display the available settings for styling the controls container.

Position controls inside

Turning on position controls inside will allow the controls to overlay the slides within a sequence.

Indicator settings

Indicators are included in controls to allow for an indication of the number of slides, and which is actively in view. While selecting the indicator inside of controls, the right sidebar will display the settings for styling the indicators and their container.

Indicator states (dots style only)

Indicators have a range of states that can be styled individually, or synced together.

Adding Content to Sequences

Content inside of sequences is added to the slides within. Add common content into slides, such as Media and Text, or more complex content such as Automations and Components.

Adding to slides

  1. From within the editor, select elements like Media M, Text T, and Button B ****from the + ****menu. Automations A and Components C can also be chosen to add into slides.
  2. Hover over a slide in a sequence, and select the add point overlay.
  3. Slide content can be reorder by click + dragging from the Contents layers in the left sidebar.

Sequence and Transition Settings

Control how Sequences behave and transition through the in-body toolbar that appears when the Sequence is selected.


Sequence settings

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