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Web accessibility ensures that digital content is usable and inclusive for all individuals. Standards supports alternate text for media, and content tags for text enhancing screen reader functionality.

In this guide:

Alternate Text

When using Media throughout your project, it is important to keep accessibility in mind. Standards allows you to include meta descriptions for both Media elements, and the Files themselves.

What meta descriptions are

Meta descriptions are short text based statements that describe the subject or the meaning of visual content, and are programmed to display when that visual content is not available, such as when browsing with a screen reader.

How descriptions are displayed

Add alternate text to Media

Writing descriptions for Media elements

When writing a description for a Media element, it is often best practice is to describe the context or meaning of the media rather than the subject, since the file could easily change.

<aside> 📖

Example: “Demonstration of proper logo clearspace”


Add alternate text to a File

Writing descriptions for Files

When writing a description for a File, the best practice is to simply describe the subject or content rather than the meaning, since it could be placed in any context.

<aside> 📖

Example: “Logo surrounded by an empty frame defined by the height of the symbol”


Content Tags

Adding content tags to text provides data that may be used by browsers and search engines to infer the hierarchy of text content without visual cues, and may effect how the text is displayed on screen readers or in other environments.

Adding tags to text


Paragraph Represents a paragraph. Paragraphs are usually represented in visual media as blocks of text separated from adjacent blocks by blank lines.

Heading 1 - 6

Represent six levels of section headings. Heading 1 is the highest section level and heading 6 is the lowest.


Learn more about improving site accessibility: https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG22

Check color contrast: https://webaim.org/resources/contrastchecker/

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