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Every project can be published and shared with viewers. Publishing is the act of setting a project’s web address and security. Published projects can be shared in various ways.
In this guide:
Publishing a project
Once a project is ready to go live, publish it in order to share with others. Projects can be published from within the editor and in the workspace dashboard. To publish or edit publishing settings:

- Select
Publish & share
from the project settings in the workspace dashboard, or from within the project editor.
- Enter your desired web address.
- Select your desired security & access type.
- If No restrictions, Logged access, or Secure embed security types were chose, move on.
- If either Plain password protected or Sign-in required security types were chosen, set which project pages are restricted and unrestricted.
- If the Plain password protected security type was chosen, input your desired password.
- If the Sign-in required security type was chosen, select the ways viewers can sign in.
- Select
- Once published, you are ready to share by entering the Share tab of the Publish & share interface**.**
Keep in mind
- You can modify publishing settings at any time by returning to the Publish & share interface.
- You can unpublish projects by returning to the Publish & share interface and selecting
- A paid plan is required to publish
Web address
The project’s web address is the URL that is shown to viewers in their web browser’s address bar. There are two options when choosing a project’s web address:

Web address types
Standard web addresses prepend live.standards.site/ to your chosen address.
Custom web addresses use connected domains and subdomains that have been added to the workspace the project is in. See how to add custom domains: Connect a custom domain
Security & access
The project’s security & access settings controls who and how people access your project. This ranges widely, as some projects are fully open to the public, while others are restricted to internal use only and kept secure.

Security & access types

No restrictions
Fully open to the public; viewable by anyone on the web that knows the web address or is linked to it. This is ideal for projects that can be shared with anyone.
Setting restricted and unrestricted pages
Related guides
Project settings
Connect a custom domain
Project access page