Standards allows anyone to publish projects as website like any other. As such, links are an important aspect to well designed projects. Link between sections or pages in a project, external websites and more.

In this guide:

Link types

Standards allows for a variety of link types to be assigned to various content elements on a project page. Below are a list of link types in Standards.

Title Description
Link to page Sets a link between Pages of a project in standards. May include a Section which points to a specific content layer in a Page.
Link to URL Sets a link to any URL.
Link to Email Sets a Mailto link that opens an email client with a prefilled email address.
Link to File Sets a download link for any file uploaded to a project in Standards.
Jump link Sets a link that jumps a viewer to either the top or bottom of a page.
Embed link Sets a link to embedded content. Only available in specific Embed content elements.