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After logging in to Godaddy, navigate to the Domains page. Select your domain.
Select Manage DNS
Select Add
Choose CNAME
as the Type. For base domains, such as (mydomain.com), enter the name:
For subdomains, such as (identity.mydomain.com), enter the name:
Where “identity” is whatever you choose. Paste the value from Standards record 1 into the value field.
Select Add record
In Standards, head to Domains
. Click Record 2
and copy the A record value.
In Godaddy, find the A record under DNS Records. Click ✏️
(Edit icon)
For base domains, such as (mydomain.com), enter @
in the Name field. For subdomains, such as (identity.mydomain.com), enter the subdomain portion (identity
Enter the value number ****from Step 6 into the Value field. Click Save
Wait for the domain to connect. Once connected, publish your project. Connection can take up to 72 hours, but typically connects much quicker.